
Wises Leaving for Uganda
Mark & Michelle Wise, along with their three children (Alexis, Brittany and Joshua) serve with Equip (www.equipinternational.com) in Jinja, Uganda.  It is our desire that others come to know Jesus Christ intimately.  Jesus referred to Himself as the way, the truth and the life.  He invites us to truth, but not religion as a way to earn His acceptance.  Jesus contended strongly with religion because it oppressed His flock and the people.

The Wises were led out of almost 30 years of religious oppression by the call of Jesus and His Spirit of liberty.  Liberty to serve God in freedom of the Spirit, not liberty to sin.  They were called to serve in overseas missions in August 2001, with a clear command from God to “Wait” (i.e. “Abide”).  In the meantime God remained faithful, revealing more of Himself to both of us, patiently changing us and calling our children in the process.

Three difficult trials all began during one week in January 2007.  Through one of those trials our daughter Brittany ended up having surgery 5 times in 2007, the first one that week in January.  Brittany did quite well.  During the process of being in the hospital at 12 years old, she was sharing her faith with others (including those who cared for her).  Finally, in November 2007 after what turned out to be Brittany’s final surgery and after nearly one year of difficult trials and turmoil, the Lord revealed His next step: the country we were called to, Uganda.

Trials continued while Mark and Michelle both were given clear commands to “wait,” “stand still,” and “I will take care of you.”  In July, 2009 Mark was relieved of his 15 years of service at the local Hospice program as its first Executive Director.

This was an exciting, faith-stretching time.  Over the next forty-six months God provided what we needed to prepare to go to Uganda.  After 12 years of abiding and waiting, we have seen God’s faithfulness, His wisdom in His call to wait on Him and His love for us and others.  In April 2013, we finally left the United States and came to settle in Jinja.

Mark is serving as the office administrator for the newly formed Equip Uganda, NGO (non-government organization) while Michelle and the children are serving as opportunities arise in the area.

If you desire to know truth – real truth – not fake religious “do” that the apostle Paul referred to as crap or dung (Phil 3:8), then seek out Jesus.  Be sincere.  Be honest with Him.  He promises He loves you no matter what you’ve done (John 10; Luke 7:36-50; Luke 23:39-43).  He promises He gives rest to the weary (Matt 11:27-30), even religious weary people (John 3; John 9).  Commit to Jesus by confessing your sin, committing to turn from it (through His power, not your own) and believing in Him.  And you shall be saved (Rom 10:10-13).  Jesus said when one sinner repents, there is joy in heaven (Luke 15:7).  He promises what He starts, He finishes (Phil 1:6; Heb 12:2).  Welcome to the Kingdom of God, but most importantly, welcome to King Jesus, His friendship and relationship is AWESOME!!!

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